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Repository of Research and Investigative Information

Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences

A practical review over surface modification, nanopatterns, emerging materials, drug delivery systems, and their biophysiochemical properties for dental implants: Recent progresses and advances

(2022) A practical review over surface modification, nanopatterns, emerging materials, drug delivery systems, and their biophysiochemical properties for dental implants: Recent progresses and advances. Nanotechnology Reviews. pp. 637-679.

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In this paper, we reviewed the recent advances in nanoscale modifications and evaluated their potential for dental implant applications. Surfaces at the nanoscale provide remarkable features that can be exploited to enhance biological activities. Herein, titanium and its alloys are considered as the main materials due to their background as Ti-based implants, which have been yielding satisfactory results over long-term periods. At first, we discussed the survivability and the general parameters that have high impacts on implant failure and the necessities of nanoscale modification. Afterward, fabrication techniques that can generate nanostructures on the endosseous implant body are categorized as mechanical, chemical, and physical methods. These techniques are followed by biomimetic nanotopographies (e.g., nanopillars, nanoblades, etc.) and their biological mechanisms. Alongside the nanopatterns, the applications of nanoparticles (NPs) including metals, ceramics, polymers, etc., as biofunctional coating or delivery systems are fully explained. Finally, the biophysiochemical impacts of these modifications are discussed as essential parameters for a dental implant to provide satisfactory information for future endeavors. © 2022 Mohammadmahdi Akbari Edgahi et al., published by De Gruyter.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Biomimetics; Dental prostheses; Metal implants; Metal nanoparticles; Targeted drug delivery; Titanium alloys, Drug-delivery systems; Emerging materials; Implant; Mechano-bactericidal; Modification; Nano pattern; Nanoscale modifications; Property; Recent progress; Surface-modification, Controlled drug delivery
Page Range: pp. 637-679
Journal or Publication Title: Nanotechnology Reviews
Volume: 11
Number: 1
Publisher: De Gruyter Open Ltd
Depositing User: ms soheila Bazm

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